Shadowing 01 - cd1.02
Shadowing 01 - cd1.02
Blog/ blogger/ blogosphere
1) As an ecologist, Melanie has started writing a blog because she wanted to express her ideas on how to led a more environmentally friendly life.
2) I know at least five people who have recently become keen bloggers in our senior citizen community.
3) I don't rely on the blogosphere for accurate information, but I do enjoy reading the huge variety of opinions.
Ubiquitous /abundant /prevalent
4) In many countries, the use of suveillance cameras in buildings and public spaces is virtually ubiquitous.
5) There was abundant proof against the defendant, although she never confessed to the crime.
6) Typhoid fever was prevalent in this country in the early 1900s.
Spokesperson /publicity /outspoken
7) The company spokesperson completely denies attempting to bribe the construction minister.
8) To boost his fading popularity, the singer Tony Tyler pulled a publicity stunt causing scandal with an up-and-coming actress.
9) Our CEO is popular with journalists for his outspoken views on the economy. They are always quoting him in their articles.
Co-worker /partner /collaborator
10) I like to leave the office at 5 o'clock sharp, but my co-workers always want me to go out drinking with them.
11) We did a lot of detail research before deciding on a partner for the joint venture.
12) I would like to thank Professor Julia Turner, my chief collaborator on this project, who gave me many valuable suggestions.
Macrobiotic /macroeconomics /microbe
13) People who follow a macrobiotic diet believe food effects our bodies in very deep ways.
14) The study of macroeconomics will give you an overall idea of how the national economy fuctions.
15) Regular hand washing is essential for killing microbes that can cause disease.
Resume /curriculum vitae /biography
16) When you are applying for a job, it is important that your resume gives a complete record of your education and employment history.
17) Applicants for this post should send a curriculum vitae and a cover letter.
18) Jonh had never been interested in India until he read a biography of Mahatma Gandhi.
Plump /obese / corpulent
19) Don't tell me I'm fat. Tell me I'm 'pleasantly plump'.
20) Heart failure is a common disease among obese people.
21) In a temple in Nara, he saw a smiling, corpulent Buddha.
Crisis /emergency /urgent
22) We have to take care of this crisis caused by the pattery recall before we can do anything else.
23) In case of emergency, break the glass and push the red button to stop the train.
24) He had to go to New York on urgent business.
Outfit /wardrobe /apparel
25) When buy clothes for work, I like to choose a matching outfit from top to bottom.
26) I chose a blue chiffon dress from my limted wardrobe for the dance.
27) It is important for the companies in the apparel industries to directly predict what the fashions will be like for the coming season.
Anniversary /celebration /commemoration
28) It was our 20th wedding anniversary yesterday, but I completely forgot about it.
29) A family birthday is always a good oppurtunity for a celebration.
30) A huge celebration ceramony took place on the 50th anniversary of Cedar City.
31) The ceramony was held in commemoration of the members of the armed forces who were killed in the war.
Dịch nghĩa
1) La mot nha sinh thai hoc, Melanie bat dau viet blog, boi vi co ay muon the hien quan diem cua co ay ve viec lam sao de song than thien voi moi truong
2) Toi biet it nhat nam nguoi gan day da tro thanh nhung blogger noi tieng trong cong dong nguoi cao tuoi
3) Toi khong phu thuoc vao moi truong mang de co thong tin chinh xac, nhung toi rat thich doc nhieu luong quan diem khac nhau
4) O nhieu nuoc, viec su dung camera giam sat trong cac toa nha va khong gian cong cong hau nhu pho bien
5) Da co nhieu bang chung chong lai bi cao, mac du co ay chua he nhan toi
6) Con sot thuong han da lan rong khap day nuoc nay nhung nam dau thap nien the ky 20
7) Nguoi phat ngon cong ty tu choi hoan toan viec co gang dua hoi lo cho bo truong xay dung.
- deny attempting: tu choi co gang
- take bribery: nhan hoi lo
8) De nang cao danh tieng da lui tan cua anh ta, ca si Tony Tyler da thuc hien mot man dien cong khai gay ra mot vu be boi voi co dien vien moi noi.
- publicize: lam cong khai
9) CEO cua chung toi noi tieng voi gioi bao chi do cac quan diem boc truc cua anh ta ve kinh te. Ho luon trich dan anh ta trong nhung bai bao cua ho.
- outspeak (v): noi thang
10) I muon roi khoi van phong luc 5 gio dung, nhung cac dong nghiep cua toi luon muon toi di uong voi ho.
- colleague: dong nghiep
11) Chung toi da thuc hien rat nhieu nghien cuu chi tiet truoc khi quyet dinh ai la doi tac lam an cua chung toi.
- partnership (n): hop tac
- associate (v): lien ket
12) Toi muon cam on giao su Julia Turner, cong tac vien truong cua toi trong du an nay, nguoi da cho toi nhieu loi khuyen bo ich.
- collaborate (v): cong tac, hop tac
13) Nhung nguoi theo che do an thuc duong tin rang thuc pham tac dong len co the chung ta theo nhieu cach bi an.
- macrobiotics (n): duoc pham
- macro: tuyet voi/ vix mo
- biotic: cuoc song
- macrobiotic food: chees do an uong tu nhien (thuc duong: rau cai, gao lut)
14) Viec hoc kinh te vix mo se cho ban y tuong tong quan ve cach thuc nen kinh te quoc gia van hanh
- macro (n): vi dai, vix mo
- macroeconomics (n): kinh te hoc vix mo
- microeconomics (n): kinh te hoc vi mo
15) Rua tay thuong xuyen la can thiet de tieu diet vi sinh vat gay benh.
- germ (n): vi trung/mam benh
- micro (n): nho
16) Khi ban dang xin viec, viec so yeu ly lich cua ban cung cap day du ho so ly lich hoc tap va lam viec trong qua khu la rat quan trong.
- personal history : tieu su ca nhan
17) Cac ung vien cho vi tri nay nen gui mot ban ho so ly lich va mot ban thu xin viec.
- curriculum viate = CV
- cover letter = CL
18) John chua bao gio quan tam den An Do cho den khi anh ta doc ban tieu su ve Mahatma Gandhi.
- biographical (adj): tieu su
- autobiography: tu truyen
- biographical encyclopedia: bach khoa toan thu ve tieu su (cac danh nhan)
19) Dung noi toi map. Hay noi toi 'dep day dan'
20) Suy tim la can benh pho bien cua nhung nguoi beo phi.
- overweight: thua can
- obesity (n): benh beo phi
21) Tai mot ngoi den o Nara, anh ta thay mot tuong phat map map, dang cuoi.
22) Chung ta can phai lo lang cho khung hoang cua viec thu hoi pin nay truoc khi co the lam viec gi khac.
- crisis management: kiem soat khung hoang
23) Trong truong hop khan cap, dap vo kinh va nhan vao nut mau do de dung tau lai.
- emergency (n): khan cap
- emergent (adj): noi len
- emerge (v): troi day, xuat hien
- emergency exit: loi thoat khan cap
- emergency room (ER): phong cap cuu
- emergency rescue squad: doi cuu ho khan cap
- emergency reserver: du phong khan cap
24) Anh ay phai di New York vi cong chuyen gap.
- urgent (adj): gap, khan cap
- urgency (n): su khan cap, su cap bach
- urge : (n) su thoi thuc - (v) thuc giuc
25) Khi chon quan ao cho cong viec, toi thich chon mot bo do cap doi (tuong xung) du phu kien tu tren xuong duoi.
- outfit (n): do/trang phuc du phu kien
- outfitter (n): nguoi mau dong phuc
- attire (n): trang phuc quan ao.
26) Toi da chon mot cai vay mau xanh luc tu tu quan ao co han cua minh cho buoi khieu vu.
- wardrobe (n): tu quan ao
- the dance: buoi khieu vu
- the ball: buoi tiec khieu vu
27) Doi voi cac cong ty trong nganh cong nghiep det may, du doan chinh xac gu thoi trang se nhu the nao vao mua sap toi la quan trong.
28) Hom qua la ky niem 20 nam ngay cuoi cua chung toi, nhung toi hoan toan quen mat no.
- anniversary of someone's death: ngay gio cua ai
29) Sinh nhat cua mot thanh vien trong gia dinh luon la mot dip tot de an mung.
- celebration (n): su an mung, le an mung
- celebrate (v): an mung
- celebrity (n): nguoi noi tieng
30) Mot le hoi an mung lon dien ra nhan ky niem 50 nam cua thanh pho Cedar.
- ceramony: le hoi
31) Nghi le da duoc to chuc trong su hoai niem cho nhung thanh vien trong luc luong vu trang la nhung nguoi da hy sinh trong chien tranh.
- commemoration (n): su hoai niem
- in commemoration of : tuong nho ve
- commemorative (adj): de tuong nho