Shadowing 02 - cd1.03
Shadowing 02 - cd1.03
decade/ teens/ centenarian
1) Mr. Howard had been vice-president of the company for almost two decades before he was promoted to president.
2) While still his teens, Mark Bishop won two tennis championships.
3) My great grandmother enjoyed her longevity and live to be a centenarian.
reserve /preserve /conserve
4) Writers of the book reserve the right to reveiw advertisement when the book is published.
5) It sounds contradictory, but forest trees must be trimmed or cut periodically to preseve nature.
6) Tunning off unnecessary lights in the home and the workplace is an easy and efficient way to conserve energy.
flyer /draft /manuscript
7) Bernie got a partime-job handing out flyers for the newly openned restaurant.
8) I read a draft version of the proposal, and some parts will have to changed before we submit to the client.
9) Publishing companies receive an enomous numeric of manuscripts from would-be author every year.
manual /directions /specification
10) According to the manual, the satellite dish has to face axactly south by southwest for perfect reception.
11) The directions were so complicated so that it took me more than one hour to assemble the bookshelves.
12) We will have to change the specifications of the entire product line if we want it to conform to EU regulations.
innovative /inventive /groundbreaking
13) Sally resigned because the company kept rejecting her innovative ideas for new products.
14) Companies are now looking for people who are capable of coming up with inventive solutions to problens.
15) Dr. Peters received a major international award for her groundbreaking research on infectious diseases.
resident /occupant /habitat
16) Residents of the state may send their children to the state university without having to pay tuition fees.
17) Even though I've lived here for more than a year, I've never seen the occupant of the neighboring apartment.
18) One of the most serious threats to the survival of animal species is the disapperance of their habitat.
piracy /copycat /mimicry
19) Computer companies lose a great deal of revenue every year as a result of software piracy.
20) Reports of unusual crimes in the media often give rise to copycat crimes.
21) Mimicry is an important skill to master if you want to become a good actor.
average /mean /deviation
22) The per capita income of Connecticut is much higher than the national average.
23) The perfomance of the students at Grover College is significantly above the national mean.
24) The leaders of the party will expel any members who advocate a deviation from the party's started aim.
tactic /strategy /approach
25) Complete honesty is not always the best tactic in negotiations.
26) With the proposed changes in the tax law, many companies will have to change their investment strategy.
27) The best approach to initiating this joint venture project is to contact Yang Jones, their company consultant.
infrastructure /subsidiary /affiliate
28) The financial aid from the Wolrd Bank will be used primarily to improve the nation's transportation and telecomunications infrastucture.
29) Himero Airlines became a subsidiary of Fillipino Air. After that, 50% of the Himero crew was laid off.
30) The health club is an affiliate of the Metropolitan Health network, and so members are free to use any of its facilities worldwide.
Dich nghia
1) Ong Haword da tung la pho chu tich cua cong ty gan hai thap ky truoc khi duoc thang chuc lam chu tich.
- decade: thap ky
- dec: tuong trung cho 10
- deci: thu muoi, mot phan muoi
- decade-long economic boom/slump: thap ky bung no/suy giam kinh te
2) Khi con tuoi nien thieu, Mark Bishop da doat hai giai thuong tennis.
- teen: tuoi thieu nien tu 13 den 19
- teen workforce: luc luong lao dong tre em
- teen offenders: nguoi pham toi o tuoi vi thanh nien.
3) Ba co cua toi vui huong tho va song den tram tuoi
- centenarian (n): nguoi tram tuoi
- centennial (adj): duoc tram tuoi
- century (n): the ky
- longevity: song tho
- longevity (seniority) pay: luong huu
- octogenarian: nguoi song den tam muoi tuoi.
4) Cac tac gia giu lai quyen xem xet quang cao khi quyen sach duoc xuat ban.
- reserve (v): giu, du tru
- reservation (n): viec dat truoc, viec giu cho
- I will go along with your proposal but with reservations: toi se thuan theo de xuat cua ban nhung voi su de chung
- so sanh voi without reservations: khong e de.
5) Nghe co ve mau thuan, nhung rung cay phai duoc cat te hoac chat dinh ky de bao ton tu nhien.
- preserve (v): gin giu - (n) bao ton
- preservation (n): su bao ton
6) Tat cac bong dien khong can thiet tai nha va noi lam viec la cach cach de dang va hieu qua de tiet kiem nang luong.
- conserve (v): bao ton, tiet kiem
- conservation (n): su bao ton
7) Bernie co mot cong viec ban thoi gian la phat to roi cho mot nha hang moi mo.
- flyer: to roi
- temporary job: cong viec tam thoi
8) Toi da doc mot ban thao cua loi de nghi, va mot so noi dung phai duoc chinh sua truoc khi chung toi giao cho khach hang.
- draft (n): ban nhap, ban phat thao
- drafty (adj): kheo leo
- I inherited an old drafty house which is over 80 years old from my late grandfather. (Toi thua huong mot ngoi nha co kinh hon 80 nam tu nguoi ong qua co cua toi).
9) Moi nam cac nha xuat ban nhan mot so luong lon ban thao tu nhung nguoi muon tro thanh tac gia.
- manuscript (n): ban thao
- manual: bang tay, so tay
- manufacture: san xuat, che tao
- manicure: lam mong tay
- hair color rinse: nhuom mau toc
- pedicure: lam mong chan.
10) Dua theo so tay, chao ve tinh phai huong chinh xac ve phia tay nam de thu duoc song tot hon.
- manual (n) : so tay -(adj) lam bang tay
- instruction manual : so tay huong dan
- manual labor: thu cong
11) Ban huong dan phuc tap den muc toi phai mat hon mot gio de lap dat cai ke sach.
- directions (n): huong dan --> su dung so nhieu
- direction (n): chi dao, huong, khuynh huong, chi dan --> chi mot lan (so it)
- direct (v): (chi/noi) thang, dan.
- directional signal/ indicator (n): tin hieu / ban chi dan.
12) Chung ta can phai thay doi chi tiet ky thuat cua toan bo dong san pham neu chung ta muon no tuan thu theo cac quy dinh cua EU.
- specification (n): dac diem ky thuat
- specify (v): xac dinh
- conform (to ...): tuan theo
- EU regulations: quy dinh cua EU.
13) Sally tu chuc vi cong ty cu tu choi nhung y tuong sang tao cua co ay cho san pham moi.
- innovative (adj): sang tao
- innovate (v): doi moi
- innovation (n): su doi moi
- resign: tu chuc
- retire: ve huu
14) Cac cong ty bay gio dang tim kiem nhung nguoi co kha nang nghi ra cac giai pap sang tao cho nhieu van de.
- inventive (adj): sang tao, sang kien
- invent (v): che tao
- invention (n): phat minh
- innovative product : san pham sang tao
- inventive genius : thien tai sang tao
15) Tien si Peters da nhan mot giai thuong quoc te quan trong vi nhung nghien cuu dot pha cua co ay ve benh truyen nhiem.
- groundbreaking (adj) : dot pha
- groundbreaking ceremony : le khoi cong
- infectious : truyen nhiem, co the lay nhiem
16) Cac cu dan cua bang co the gui con cua ho den truong dai hoc cua bang ma khong phai dong hoc phi.
- resident (n): cu dan (nguoi cu tru hop phap dang dong thue trong tinh va dang ky bau cu)
- residential (adj): nha o, khhu dan cu (co the cu tru)
- residency (n): su cu tru
17) Mac du toi da song o day hon mot nam, toi chua bao gio thay nguoi cu ngu trong can ho hang xom.
- occupant (n): nguoi cu ngu
- occupancy (n): su chiem giu, su cu ngu
- occupation (n): nghe nghiep
18) Mot trong nhat moi de doa nghiem trong nhat doi voi su song con cua cac lop dong vat la su bien mat moi truong song cua chung.
- habitat (n): moi truong song
- inhabit (v): tru ngu
- inhabitant (n) : cu dan
19) Cac cong ty may tinh da mat mot luong lon doanh thu hang nam boi viec an cap (ban quyen) phan mem.
- piracy (n): an cap (ban quyen)
- pirate (n): cuop bien, ke lay cap
- pirate printing: in lau
20) Cac ban tin ve nhung toi pham tren phuong tien truyen thong thuong sinh ra nhung vu toi pham bat chuoc.
- copycat (n): su bat chuoc, su an theo
- copycat crime (n) : toi pham bat chuoc
21) Viec bat chuoc la mot ky nang quan trong can thuan thuc neu ban muon tro thanh mot dien vien gioi.
- mimicry (n): su bat chuoc
- mimic (n): mo phong - (v) bat chuoc - (adj) co the mo phong theo.
- mimicry memoration methood: phuong phap ghi nho bang cach bat chuoc.
22) Thu nhap dau nguoi cua bang Connecticut thi cao hon nhieu so voi muc trung binh ca nuoc.
- average (n) muc trung binh, binh quan (adj) trung binh (v) tim trung binh
- per capita : tinh tren dau nguoi
23) Buoi bieu dien cua sinh vien truong Grover hon dang ke muc trung binh cua quoc gia.
- mean (n) o giua, muc trung binh (v) y dinh (adj) xau tinh
24) Cac lanh dao cua Dang se truc xuat bat cu thanh vien nao chu truong di lech khoi cac muc dich da duoc tuyen bo cua Dang.
- deviation (n) su sai lech
- deviate (v) di chech huong
- deviation value: do lech
- standard deviation: do lech chuan
25) Trung thuc tuyet doi khong phai luon la chien thuat tot nhat trong cac cuoc dam phan.
- tactic (n): chien thuat
- tactical (adj): co tinh chien thuat
- tactful (adj): lich thiep
26) Voi de xuat thay doi trong luat thue, nhieu cong ty da phai thay doi chinh sach dau tu cua ho.
- strategy (n): chien luoc
- strategic (ajd) co tinh chien luoc
- SALT : Strategic Arms Limitation Talks - Hoi nghi dam phan han che vu khi chien luoc.
27) Cach tiep can tot nhat de khoi dau du an lien doanh nay la tiep can voi Yang Jones, nguoi tu van cho cong ty cua ho.
- approach (n): cach tiep can (v) tiep can
- approachable (adj) co the tiep can duoc
28) Ho tro tai chinh tu ngan hang the gio se duoc su dung chu yeu de cai thien co so ha tang giao thong va vien thong cua quoc gia.
- infrastructure (n) co so ha tang
- infrastuctural (adj) tinh ha tang
29) Hang hang khong Himero da tro thanh chi nhanh cua hang hang khong Fillipino, sau do 50% nhan vien cua hang Himero se bi tam thoi nghi viec (trong hoan canh nay thi dong nghia voi bi sa thai)
- subsidiary (n) chi nhanh (adj) phan nhanh
- lay off: tam thoi nghi viec
30) CLB suc khoe nay la hoi vien cua mang luoi suc khoe do thi, chinh vi the tat ca thanh vien se duoc su dung mien phi cac thiet bi o moi co so vat chat cua no o tren toan cau.
- affiliate (n) lien ket/hoi vien
- affiliated (adj) co tinh lien ket, hop tac.
- affiliation (n): su lien ket