Shadowing 04 - cd1.05
Shadowing 04 - cd1.05
confiscate /forfeit /waive
1) Sorry, your pine cone object has to be confiscated. You are not allowed to bring any plants or plant-related products into this country.
2) If a full month rent is not paid in 10 days, you will forfeit your right to keep this condominimum.
3) You should never waive your right to demand payment for the damage of your car. the accident was entirely his fault.
alumni /alma mater /sorority /fraternity
4) Smith College Alumni Association will hold its annual overnight retreat in Mt. Snow on July 15.
5) If your daughter is interested in applying to Pheaton College, my alma mater, I shall be hapy to introduce her to the dean.
6) Many of my fellow sorority (/fratenity) members have become my lifelong friends, while other have given me invaluable career advice.
status /standing /reputation
7) Teachers have high social status, but earn relatively low salaries.
8) Geoger's standing in his local comunity fell drastically after he was convicted of drunking driver.
9) The reputation of the workforce in the city had a big impact on our decision to relocate our factory there.
notice /alert /warning
10) According to my rental contract, I have to give the owner of my apartment two months' notice if I want to move out.
11) The weather bureau's tornado alert was issued too late for the resident to evacuate safely.
12) All the flights have been canceled due to hurricance warning in Florida.
policy /premium /surcharge
13) Our father's policy was to be always honest with his children.
14) This insurance policy guarantees the payment of $500.000 in case of your death.
15) The premium for health insurance policies get more expensive as people get older.
16) There will be no surcharge for transferring all your calls and messages to your cell phone.
due /overdue /expiration
17) Right now, I'm in my 20th week. And our baby is due early July.
18) His flight is overdue; it should have arrived half an hour ago.
19) I'm afraid you can't use this credit card; the expiration date was last month.
identify /classify /categorize
20) Barcode are used to identify not only merchandise but also individual insects such as bees and beetles.
21) The books in the library are classified according to subject matter and author.
22) If you want a clerical job, look it up in the classified under 'wanted'.
23) I would categorize Henrry as a habitual liar; he never tell the truth.
drive /impose /compel
24) China's demand for raw materials is driving the economic expansion of resource-rich countries such as Australia and Canada.
25) The new tax in law will impose a great burden on people in the midle-income bracket.
26) You can not compel the audience to applaud. Applause has to come spontaneously.
generous /lenient /indulgent
27) You shouldn't give generous gift just loot good in the eyes of others.
28) A teacher's lenient attitude may be considered his or her weak point.
29) My parents were indulgent toward me; they let me do whatever I wanted.
profitable /beneficial/ lucrative
30) The general view is that most new business do not become frofitable for at least three years.
31) We would very much like to be given the opportunity to discuss how our technology could be benefical to your industry.
32) It is unrealistic to expect to get a lucrative immediately after you graduate from university.
Dich nghia
1) Xin loi, qua thong cua ban se phai bi tich thu. Ban khong duoc phep mang bat cu thuc vat hay san pham lien quan den thuc vat vao dat nuoc nay.
- confiscate (v) tich thu, sung cong
- seize : nam bat, chop, tich thu
- confiscation (n) su tich thu
2) Neu tien thue tron thang nay khong duoc tra trong vong 10 ngay, ban se mat quyen giu can ho nay.
- forfeit (v) tu bo (n) ten phat, vat bi lay di
- be deprivated of ... : bi lay di
3) Ban khong bao gio nen tu bo quyen yeu cau boi thuong bao hiem cho chiec xe bi hu hai cua ban. Tai nan do hoan toan la loi cua anh ta.
- waive (v) tu bo, khuoc tu
- abandon: bo hoang
- give up : bo cuoc
- not claim: khong nhan
- waiver (n) su khuoc tu, giay khuoc tu.
4) Hoi sinh vien truong dai hoc Smith se to chuc buoi cam trai qua dem thuong nien tren nui Snow vao ngay 15 thang 7.
- alumni (n) cuu sinh vien
- alumnus (so nhieu) cuu sinh vien
- overnight retreat : cam trai qua dem
- retreat : rut lui, thoai lui
- alumni association (n) hoi cuu sinh vien
5) Neu con gai cua ban thich nop don xin hoc tai truong dai hoc Pheaton, ngoi truong cua toi, toi se vui long gioi thieu em ay voi chu nhiem khoa.
- alma mater (n) truong dai hoc
- dean : truong khoa/chu nhiem khoa
- president : chu tich
- principal : hieu truong
6) Rat nhieu hoi vien trong hoi nu sinh (/ hoi sinh vien) da tro thanh nhung nguoi ban suot doi cua toi, trong khi nhung nguoi khac cho toi nhung loi khuyen vo gia trong cong viec.
- sorority (n) hoi nu sinh
- fraternity (n) hoi sinh vien
7) Cac giao vien co dia vi xa hoi cao, nhung tien luong thi tuong doi thap
- satus (n) dia vi, than phan; tinh trang
- social status : dia vi xa hoi
- relatively : tuong doi
8) Vi the cua Geoger trong cong dong cua anh ta da sut giam nghiem trong sau khi anh ay bi ket toi lai xe trong khi say xin.
- standing (n) vi the, dia vi
- posotion (n) vi tri, chuc vu
- drastically : mau chong, tram trong
- be convicted of : bi ket toi
- drunk / intoxicated drving : lai xe khi say xin
- DUI = driving under influence : lai xe duoi su anh huong
9) Danh tieng cua nhan luc trong trong thanh pho nay tac dong rat lon den quyet dinh doi nha may ve do cua chung toi.
- reputation (n) danh tieng, tieng tam
- reputable (adj) co chut tieng tam, dang kinh trong
- workforce : nhan luc
- impact : tac dong
10) Theo hop dong cho thue, toi phai bao truoc cho chu can ho cua toi hai thang neu muon roi di.
- notice (n) su thong bao, loi bao truoc (v) chu y, chieu co
- notification (n) ban thong bao
- notify (v) bao, khai bao
- give a notice : bao truoc
11) Canh bao dong loc cua cuc khi tuong da dua ra qua tre de nguoi dan co the so tan mot cach an toan.
- alert (n) su canh bao - mot viec hay mot loi gi do xay ra (v) canh bao (ajd) tinh tao, canh giac
- on the alert : trong tinh trang canh giac cao do
- evacuate : di tan, so tan.
12) Moi chuyen bay da bi huy vi canhh bao ve bao o Florida.
- warning (n) loi canh bao, su canh bao truoc - sap xay ra va can co phan ung nhanh.
- warn (v) bao truoc, canh bao
- caution (n) than trong, loi canh bao (v) canh bao, bao truoc
13) Cach hanh xu cua cha chung toi la luon thanh that voi con cai cua ong.
- policy (n) chinh sach, cach hanh xu
- health insurance policy (n) chinh sach bao hiem y te
- guidelines : duong loi chi dao
14) Hop dong bao hiem nay cam doan chi tra 5000.000 trong truong hop ban tu vong.
- guarantee : cam ket
15) Phi bao hiem y te cho cac hop dong bao hiem y te tro nen dat do hon khi nguoi ta gia di.
- premium (n) phi bao hiem, phan thuong, tien lai, dac biet.
- premium for long-term case insurance : phi bao hiem cham soc lau dai
- premium gasonline : xang dac biet
- high-octance gas online : xang nhieu octance
16) Se khong co phi phat sinh khi chuyen tat ca cuoc goi va tin nhan vao dien thoai cua ban.
- surcharge (n) cuoc phat sinh, su qua tai, thue phat
- surcharge on import : thue nhap khau
17) Hien gio toi dang o tuan 20. Va con cua chung toi se chao doi vao dau thang 7.
- due (adj) den luc 9chao doi), den ky (n) mon no
- due date = deadline : han chot, ngay dao han
18) Chuyen bay cua anh ta den qua muon, le ra no phai den cach day nua gio.
- overdue (adj) qua cham, qua han
- past-due : dao han
19) Toi e rang ban khong the su dung the tin dung nay, no da het han su dung vao thang truoc.
- expiration (n) su man han
- expire (v) het hieu luc
- valid until (January 14th) : co hieu luc den (mung 4 thang Gieng)
20) Ma vach duoc dung de xac dinh khong chi hang hoa ma con nhung loai con trung nhu ong va bo.
- identify (v) phan biet, xac dinh
- identification (n) su nhan biet, chung minh thu
- identical (adj) giong nhau
22) Cac cuon sach trong thu vien duoc phan loai dua theo chu de va ten tac gia.
23) Neu ban muon tim mot cong viec van phong, hay tim duoi muc 'tuyen dung'
- classify (v) phan loai
- classifiied (n) phan muc
- classification (n) su phan loai
- wanted ad : thong tin tuyen dung
- confidental (n) bi mat, tuyet mat.
23) Toi xem Hennry la hang nguoi co tat doi tra, anh ta khong bao gio noi su that
- categorize (v) phan loai
- category (n) hang muc
24) Nhu cau ve nguyen lieu tho cua Trung Quoc dan den su tang truong kinh te cua cac quoc gia giau tai nguyen nhu Uc va Canada.
- drive (v) dan den, khien cho (n) xu the, chieu huong
- economic expansion : tang truong kinh te
- resource-rich country : nuoc giau tai nguyen
25) Luat thue moi se bat nhung nguoi trong tang lop co thu nhap trung binh chiu nhieu ganh nang.
- impose (v) gay tac dong manh, bat chiu
- impose on/upon ... : tac dong len
- imposition (n) su danh thue, su ganh vac
- burden : ganh nang
- middle-income bracket: tang lop co thu nhap trung binh
26) Ban khong the ep khan gia vo tay. Viec vo tay phai den mot cach tu phat.
- compel (v) buoc, ep buoc
- compelling (adj) co tinh thuyet phuc
- applaud (v) vo tay
- spontaneously : tu phat.
27) Ban khong nen tang nhung mon qua hao phong chi de dep trong mat nguoi khac
- generous (adj) hao phong
- generosity (n) su rong luong, su hao phong
28) Thai do khoan dung cua giao vien co the xem la diem yeu cua anh hoac chi ay.
- lenient (adj) nhan hau, khoan dung.
- easygoing (adj) de dai
- leniency (n) su de dai, su khoan hong
29) Bo me cua toi rat nuong chieu toi; ho de toi lam ngung dieu toi thich.
- indulgent (adj) nuong chieu
- tolerant : dung thu, chiu dung
- indulge (v) chieu, theo duoi
- indulge oneself in ... : chim dam vao
- indulgence (n) : su chieu chuong
- If parents indulge their children' every desire, they risk spoiling them : Neu cha me chieu chuong con cai moi thu chung muon, hoc oc nguy co lam hu chung.
30) Nhin chung nhung doanh nghiep moi thuong khong sinh lai it nhat ba nam.
- profitable (adj) co lai, co ich
- profit (v) kiem loi (n) tien loi
33) Chung toi rat muon co co hoi thao luan ve cong nghe cua chung toi co the mang lai loi nhuan the nao trong nganh kinh doanh cua ban.
- beneficial (adj) co loi, co ich
- benefit (n) loi ich
- pension benefit : tro cap luong huu
- benefit of the doubt : danh phai chap nhan mot ai do dung vi khong the chung minh ho sai.
34) Do la dieu phi thuc te khi doi hoi mot cong viec sinh loi ngay khi ban vua tot nghiep dia hoc.
- lucrative (adi) co loi, sinh loi
- a lucrative contract : mot hop dong sinh loi, co the mang lai loi nhuan lon cho cong ty.