Israel (phiên âm tiếng Việt: I-xra-en[8], là một quốc gia có chủ quyền tại khu vực Trung Đông, nằm trên bờ đông nam của Địa Trung Hải và bờ bắc của Biển Đỏ.
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Israel is a long, thinstrip of land running along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Its landscape is varied, with fertile valleys, dry deserts, mountains, lakes, and rivers. It has a wide range of industrial and modern agricultrure system. The state of Israel was created in 1948 as a homeland for Jews from all over the world. The country was previous called Palestine. Much of the Palestine Arab population was forced to leave Israel and live as refugeer in Jordan and Lebanon. This has created conflict bewteen Israel, the Palestinians, and neighbouring Arab states ever since.
Jerusalem: The city of Jerusalem is a holy place for Jews, Muslims, and Christian. Within the Wall of Old city is the Jewish Western Wall, the ony_remaining part of Herod's temple, and the temple Mount from where the Muslim prophet Mohamed rose up to heaven. The major Christian shrine is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the traditional site of Christ's burial and resurrection.
Kibbutz: Almost half of Israel's food is grown on large communal farms, called kibbutzim, on which many families live and Work together. People share everyday task such as cleaning and cooking, as well as work on the farm. Use of computerized irrigation to water the land has made large areas of barren desert fertile.
Diamond cutting: About 25 percent of Israel's export earnings come from its diamond industry. The rough diamonds are imported, and then skillfully cut and polished for use in jewellery settings.
Israel soldiers: Because of the confilct between Israel and the Palestinians, and repeated wars with neighbouring countries, the army plays a crucial part in Israeli life. From the age of 18, Israeli men and women must serve in the army for a number of years, women receive the same training as men, but do not take part in direct combar.
At prayer: Judaism is one of the world's oldest religions. Iews believe in one God and follow the teachings of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible At prayer many Jewish men wear, blue-edged prayer shawls and small boxes called phylacteries, or tephillin, which contain verses from the Torah. Saturday is the Jewish holy day, or Sabbath.