Introduction yourself (Hangmun Edumall)
Tự giới thiệu
1) Nhóm câu hỏi mô tả bản thân
1) Tell me a little bit about yourself.
2) Tell me some thing about yourself.
3) Please talk about yourself quickly in keywords.
- I'm glad for this opportunity introduce myself. My first name is Khoi, which means "beautiful and smart". I learned and worked in HCM.
- I can summarize who I am in three words: passional, effortless, and happy.
- People who know me best that I'm an old man with instructions strictly. (tuan theo chi dan mot cach nghiem ngat)
- The quotation I live my life by is "gone will come".
- My passion is establishment information system.
- When I was a student, I always wanted to be a business system analyst.
- The compliment people give me almost frequently is enterprising (gan da/ dam nghi dam lam)
- I'm glad for this opportunity introduce myself. My first name is Giang, which means "river". I hail from Massachusetts. (hail from: den tu)
- I'd like to take moment to introduce myself. My name is Giang, which means "river". I grew up in Saigon.
- I can summazie who I am in three word: ...
- The quotation I live my life by is ... (cham ngon cuoc song cua toi la ...)
- People who know me best that I'm ... (nhung nguoi heu ro toi nhat noi rang toi ...)
- My passion is ... (dam me cua toi la ...)
- When I was a seven years old, I always wanted to be ... (ke tu khi bay tuoi toi luon mong muon lam ...)
- The compliment people give me almost frequently is ... (loi khen ma toi thuong nghe nhieu nhat ve ban than toi do la ...)
--> Khong dai dong, khong dua nhung thong tin ca nhan khong can thiet.
2) Nhóm câu hỏi về chuyên môn
1) Tell me about yourself at the profesional (kinh nghiem lam viec)
2) What do you think it's important for the job
3) How are you going to fix into the company provide values ? (ban hoa nhap nhu the nao vao cong ty de mang cac den gia tri)
part 1: Neu ra kinh nghiem lam nhieu loai cong viec trong nhieu nganh hang.
I am a multitasking woker with 14+ years of experience working for planning, supervising, managing, business analysing, and software developing. I've worked in business industries including packaging, leather and footware, garment, cosmetic, F&B, logistics, distribution, jewelry, fitness, retail,.. So I understand client' needs.
part 2: Neu ra nhung diem noi bac cua minh mot cach thuyet phuc bang STAR
I am highly dedicated and ambitous. Every time I start a new project, I aim to get a perfect solution. Of course, my ultimate goal is please the client. But the fact that I aim high has resulted in at least 20 useful applications.
For example, I once led a project for a client who was sure that he didn't want to add server to his business information system budget. He wasn't behind the times, but he was sure that his idea was like MS Excel. I asked myself that I persuade the client needs a software, which stores data on private server.
So, I created some slides, and I put together a presentation. I set out to show the client that his demand was a DMS for current requirements and further. He was sold. He added server to his budget making both of them happy. The work I put into the DMS to impress the client was above and beyond what we normally do.
The result was suitable solution, it has been used til now. And the customer is Unifam Family Food, where I have worked for 3 years.
part 3: Giai thich ly do phu hop voi cong viec nay
While I enjoyed previous work, it was small application. It's a dream of mine to do for big information system. Your company has done some amazing work for big clients and I'd love to switch gears. That's why I applied for this position.
I would like to do my best. This job is in line with my qualifications. I want to joint into the professional staffs in your company.
cach 1: Doi chieu thanh tuu voi mo ta cong viec
1) Sap xep cac thanh tuu noi bac trong su nghiep
2) So sanh thanh tuu do voi yeu cau cong viec (gach chan yeu cau va ky nang)
3) Dieu chinh va mo ta sao cho nhung thanh tuu do voi buoc 2 de thay duoc dong gop gia tri cho cong ty
cach 2: su dung phuong phap STAR
- Situation: Giai thich mot tinh huong cu the trong do neu ra mot van de, dua ra mot y tuong
- Task: Trong boi canh do ban duoc yeu cau cu the lam hanh dong gi
- Action: Hanh dong, xu ly tinh huong nhu the nao
- Result: Ket qua cua cong viec la gi
va tra loi sao cho thay gia tri lien quan den cong viec (trong ban mo ta) dang phong van.
--> thuyet phuc: neu vi du cu the, dua ra con so.
*** Luy y neu bat:
- Ho so chuyen mon: lam gi, cong ty nao, thoi gian bao lau, noi dung cu the la gi
- Diem noi bac: thanh tich, ky nang dac biet, hiem co, kien thuc chuyen sau gat hai duoc trong qua trinh lam viec.
- Neu ly do tai sao ban phu hop voi cong viec nay: 1) ky nang - kien thuc da co; 2) phu hop voi ke hoach va tam nhin dai han ve su nghiep; 3) mong muon gan bo lau dai voi cong ty.
a) Job description

b) Answering
part 1: Neu ra kinh nghiem lam quang cao o nhung cong ty lon.
I am a Copywriter with 5+ years of experience working for large advertisement companies. I've worked with clients including Pfizer, Coca-Cola, and Jonhson & Johnson.
part 2: Neu ra nhung diem noi bac cua minh mot cach thuyet phuc bang STAR
I am highly dedicated and ambitous. Every time I start a new campaign, I aim to win award or nomination. Of course, my ultimate goal is please the client. But the fact that I aim high has resulted in at least 20 industry awards and nominations.
For example, I once led a project for a client who was sure that he didn't want to add digital media to his campaign budget. He wasn't behind the times, but he was sure that his client-base was. My Creative Director asked that I get the client on board. So, I created some sanples, and I put together a presentation. I set out to show the client that he was missing an entire demographic of untapped customers.
He was sold. He added digital media to his campaign budget making my boss happy. The work I put into the digital campaign to impress the client was above and beyond what we normally do. The result was two Cannes Lion awards.
part 3: Giai thich ly do phu hop voi cong viec nay
While I enjoyed previous work, it was commercial. It's a dream of mine to do for nonprofit clients. Your company has done some amazing work for nonprofit and NGO clients and I'd love to switch gears. That's why I applied for this position.
I would like to put into practice what I learned at university. This jobb is in line with my qualifications. I want to joint into the professional staffs in your company.
3) Công thức hiện tại - quá khứ - tương lai

Mẫu câu:
Hiện tại:
- I have been a/an (1) at (2). My main task is (3).
eg: I have been a Marketing executive at Access. My main task is to manage the whole marketing activities.
I have been a Language Specialist at Cambrige. My main task is writing content of the website Cambridge IEC.
- I am current a/an (1) at (2), where I (3)
Qua khu
- Before that, I worked at (1) where I (2)
eg: Before that, I worked at an agency where I worked with three different big educational brands.
Before that, I worked at IELTS Hangmun, where I handled incoming calls from IELTS online learners.
Before that, I worked at ADB where I cooperated with many partners from all around the world.
Tuong lai
- And while I really enjoyed the work that I did, I'd love to change to (1: ly do chuyen viec) which is why I'm so excited about this oppurtunity with (2: ten cong ty dang ung tuyen).
eg: And while I really enjoyed the work that I did, I'd love to change to dig in much deeper within marketing industry, which is why I'm so excited about this oppurtunity with Markus. (dao sau hon trong linh vuc marketing)
or: And while I really enjoyed the work that I did, I'd love to change to have a new challenge in my career, this is why I'm so excited about this oppurtunity with Markus.
4) Top 10 questions in interview
1. How would you describle yoursefl?
(What are your strengths/positive traits? Why should we hire you?)
- I consider myself hard working/ reliable/ dependable/ helpful/ outgoing/ organized/ honest/ cooperative.
(cham chi/ dang tin/ dang tin cay/ duoc viec/ huong ngoai/ co to chuc/ day tinh than hop tac)
--> I consider myself organized.
- I understand my customer' needs.
(toi hieu khach hang can gi)
- I am good at analytical thinking and problem solving.
(toi gioi ve suy nghi phan tich va giai quyet van de)
- I learn quickly and take the pride in my work in business industries.
(toi tiep thu nhanh va tu hao ve nhung gi minh lam duoc trong nhieu nganh nghe kinh doanh)
- I'm a team-player/ an experienced team-leader/ a seasoned (experienced) professional/ a dedicated worker.
(co tinh than dong doi/ mot truowng nhosm co kinh nghiem/ chuyen gia nhieu kinh nghiem/ nhan vien tan tuy)
- I'm good at dealing with people/ handling stress.
(gioi thoa hiep voi moi nguoi/ giai quyet van de ap luc)
- I love challenges and getting the job done.
(toi thich thu thach va yeu cam giac hoan thanh nhiem vu)
- I pay attention to details and focus on the overall progress as well, too.
(Toi la nguoi chu trong tieu tiet va cung tap trung vao tong quan cua qua trinh)
2. What kind of qualification do you have?
(anh co bang cap gi)
- I graduated in Industrial Management from the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology.
- I hold a bachelor's degree (BA) in Industrial Management from the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology.
- I took a half year SQL Server course at Computer Science Center, HCM University of Science.
- I hold a Level B English Certificate from HCM University of Education.
- I haven't done any formal traning for this job, but I have worked in similar positions and have ten years of experience in this field.
3. Why did you leave your last job?
I wanted to focus on finding a job where I can grow professionally / that represent new challenges.
4. What do you do in your current role?
I'm responsible for the MRP deployment for comany.
I ensure that smothly of system is operated.
I liaise with the Sale Department and Factory. (ket noi)
I deal with requests and supports to clients/ coworkers.
5. What relevant expirence do you have? (lien quan)
Luu y: su dung thi hien tai hoan thanh / hoan thanh tiep dien de noi ve kinh nghiem da co trong qua khu va van dang tiep tuc o hien tai.
I have worked as a BA and Developer for several years.
I have great people skills: I have been working in Customer Service and been dealing with requests for ten years.
6. Why would you like to work for us?
I would like to put into go live what I summarize from my experiences and conceptual thinking.
I've always been interested in Information System and your company excels in this field.
7. What are your weaknesses/ negative traits? (dac diem tieu cuc)
I might need to learn to be more flexible when things are not going according to plan.
I occasionally focus on details instead of looking at the bigger picture. I'm learning how to focus on the overall progress as well.
8. When can you commence employment with us? (bat dau)
I will be available for work in this month.
I can start immediately.
I have to give one weeks' arrange to my schedule, so I can start on next week.
9. Do you have any questions?
- cau viec sap toi hoac noi dung chua duoc noi ro trong mo ta cong viec
What would be the first project I'd be working on if I was offered the job?
Who would I report to? Who would I be working closely with?
When will I get an answer? How soon can I start?
10. What are your goals for the future?
My long-term goals involve growing with a company where I can continue to learn, take on additional responsibilities, and contribute as much value as I can.
5) Đàm phán lương
- What are your salary expectations?
- What are your salary at last job?
- How much salary do you expect?
- What salary range would you require to take this job?
- Would you consider taking less pay than you made in your last Job?
- Base on my market research it's $1.200 for this position.
- I would like be more comfortable if you pay between $1.200 and $1.500.
- If we can agree on that, I'm on board.
- Do you have any flexibility with that number?
- I would like to know if $1200 is possible given my experience and skill set.
- I appreciate the offer at $1000, but was expecting the salary of $1.200 (dang gia cao)
1. Tell me a little about yourself, please .
My name is Le Pham Thanh Khoi. I was born in 1983. I graduated from HCM of Technology University. I have majored in Idustrial management. I like reading, traveling very much and enjoyed sports. And I’m very interested in the Production manager positin which you are resaerching candidaties
Or more length:
I’m Khoi, 31 years old. My major is industrial management. I have experienced deployment and operation management system. I like reading book, learning English, playing football, traveling and I also watch subtitle channel on TV. I was very happy with my childhood in Ninh Thuan province through swiming, playing football and picnic. All of activities create passion, effortless, team spirit, responsible, optimistic attitude in my characters. These personality help me to finish task of different variety position such as planner, supervisor, developer, assistant, manager in the factory and the distribution company. I proud of my management information system at every company where I used to work. I always focus on the work with all my best til find out solution.
2. What do you think about your strength ?
The first I want to mention that is working passion. I’ll effort to find out solution for problem. I also take responsible for result to maintain my desire job. And I always feel the energy in myself to finish my target. This character is showed through different variety positions in the past, such as planner, supevisor, developer, assistant, manager and I was succes in each.
The second is knownledge. I have been trained basic in a enterprise involve production, quality, account, finance, human resource, information system. So, I could apply them on my mix jobs, which required to join departments together. Beside methood, I also study programme myself to make a management soft tool. And I keep learning English to be perfect in comunication.
The third is very important, that is great team pleasure. At a leader or manager position, we must collect member’s power to take solution for our challenge. So I have to be good in establishment skills such as planning, comunication, persuasion, training. When deployment, I need to manage schedule, supervise and adjust our process. I also encourage all member to meet final result.
And the final is experience. It is very necessary for manager position. That mean there is a solution in the past. And when seeing a similar situation, I’ll resolve problem with at least time, resource. I can improve or innovate management system as fast and well when joining a new company.